SSC 2022 Assignment 6th Week

SSC 2022 Assignment 6th Week

SSC 2022 Assignment is publish for 6th week. After a break SSC 2022 assignment is publish by Directorate of secondary and higher education on their website So, we are going to publish the 6th week assignment of all subject in this post. We also make solution for SSC 22 assignment 6th week in this post. So, please read the article until last.

In this 6th week, there also all of religious subject and another one subject from every different science, arts and commerce group. So, this is very easy for this week to make the solution. But Chemistry, Accounting and History of Bangladesh is a little bit hard subject. Though we’ll publish all the answer in this post. Read the whole article.

All week SSC 2022 Assignment Question Answer


6th week SSC 2022 Chemistry Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Chemistry Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Chemistry Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Chemistry Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 Accounting Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Accounting Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Accounting Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Accounting Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 History of Bangladesh Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 History of Bangladesh Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 History of Bangladesh Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 History of Bangladesh Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 Islam Shikkha Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Islam Shikkha Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Islam Shikkha Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Islam Shikkha Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 Hindu Shikkha Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Hindu Shikkha Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Hindu Shikkha Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Hindu Shikkha Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 Buddho Shikkha Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Buddho Shikkha Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Buddho Shikkha Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Buddho Shikkha Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 2022 Cristian Assignment Question

Download 6th week SSC 22 Cristian Assignment Question

6th week SSC 2022 Cristian Assignment Answer

Download 6th week SSC 22 Cristian Assignment Answer

6th week SSC 22 Assignment Subject List

As, we already know about this from the last assignment week. There is no need to submit all the assignment on every week. You just need to submit the assignment on selected subject on specific week. So, before making assignment for 6th week, you need to check your total subject list from this list. So, check the list below.

After checking the list, we are confirmed that, in this 6 week, SSC 2022 needs to submit assignment on Chemistry for Science group. There is only one subject Accounting for Commerce. Finally, there is History of Bangladesh and World for arts. Also there is common subject on religious Islam, Hindu, Buddho, Cristian. Check details from list.

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