12th Week Class 8 Assignment

12th Week Class 8 Assignment

Directorate of secondary and higher education publish the class 8 assignment for 12th week. As we publish class 8 all the assignment last all weeks. So, we should publish the class 8 assignment for this week also. So, in this post we are going to publish class 8 assignment 12th week question and answer. Please read the whole article carefully and you will get all of your answer.


As we know from the class 8 assignment grid that there is only need to publish the 2 specific assignment on every week. So, for this 12th week there also only two assignments for submit. Don’t worry about multiple assignment subject. Because we will publish all of class 8 assignment for 12 week. Follow the assignment.

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Class 8 Assignment Science 12th week Question

Class 8 Science assignment is publish. This assignment is for 12th week Science students. This is the class 8 assignment 3 for science subject. So, in this article we are going to publish the class 8 assignment question and answer. So, please read the whole article until last.

So, from the question of the assignment paper we can see that, there is class 8 12th week assignment from Chapter 6 from the Class 8 Science Text Book. The name of the chapter is Atomic structure. The 12th week science question is উপরের ছকের মৌল গুলোর ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের মডেল তৈরি করো। ইলেক্ট্রন বিন্যাস ই মৌলগুলোর কাঠামো রক্ষা করে। উপরোক্ত মৌলগুলোর আলোকে এর যৌক্তিকতা নিরুপন করো। 



Download Class Eight Assignment Science 12th week Question

Class 8 Assignment Science 12th week Answer

So from the question PDF file we can see this question is from the chapter 6 of textbook. So, you first need to open that chapter and read carefully. Also follow the same example from the book. After reading all the important information you can easily write the assignment answer yourself.

Though we also publish the assignment answer in our post. You just need to follow the 12th week science question and instruction carefully. After all, you finally got your class 8 science assignment answer and question. So, write the 12th week science answer to your assignment answer sheet.


Download Class Eight Assignment Science 12th week Answer

Class 8 Assignment Kormo o Jibonmukhi 12th week Question

So, in the last section we already publish the class 8 assignment for this week for science. As this is the 12th week for class 8. So, there is another assignment for class 8 students is Kormo o Jibonmukhi Shikkha. This is another important assignment for 12 week class 8 students. In below we discuss about the 12th week kormo o jibonmukhi Shikkha question.

So, 12 week Kormo o Jibonmukhi Shikkha assignment question is তোমার ঘরে অব্যবহৃত ফেলে দেওয়া জিনিস দিয়ে এমন একটি জিনিস বানাও যা দৈনন্দিন জীবনে ব্যবহৃত হয় ও কিভাবে বানিয়েছো তা বর্ণনা করো। So, this is very easy question. You just need to make any craft using home materials.



Download Class Eight Assignment Kormo o Jibonmukhi 12th week Question

Class 8 Assignment Kormo o Jibonmukhi 12th week Answer

So, in the previous section we discuss about the class 8 Kormo o Jibonmukhi Shikkha assignment for 12th week. After reading the question its very clear that, students need to make a craft at home. Now this is the time for making answer for this question. Follow instruction below.

Search google for a easy paper craft design. Check all the information from the video or article. After that collect all the materials from home. Follow the instruction step by step. Now your class eight Kormo o Jibonmukhi Shikkha 12th week assignment answer is ready. Just write the steps to the assignment answer sheet.


Download Class Eight Assignment Kormo o Jibonmukhi 12th week Answer

12th week Class 8 Assignment Subject List

This is very well known information is that, there is almost more than ten subject on class 8 and 20+ week for assignment of class 8. So, it is very hard to submit all assignment on every week. The good news is that dshe.gov.bd already figure out the matter. So, they only allow only two subjects for class 8 12 week assignment.

However from the assignment syllabus grid we already that, there only 2 subjects for 12th week assignment for class 8. Firstly, one is Science. So, all students of class 8 needs to submit the Science assignment on 12 week. After that there is another subject for assignment is Kormo o Jibon Mukhi Shikkha.

Need any Help to solve Assignment?

We already publish all the class 8 assignment question and answer for this week. We also publish all the instructions to our site. Though if you found any wrong information or misinformation then you can comment in below. We will make solution immediately. Please write the correct answer for your question in the comment.

You can also follow our Facebook page for more update about class 8 all week assignment. Also can join our Facebook group for assignment answer and updates.

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