11th Week Class 7 Assignment

11th Week Class 7 Assignment

After the covid-19 bad situation, government and other offices are starting their office and duties. That’s why ministry of education also start their assignment system for class 7. Though this is the old assignment but it was close for corona virus. Today dshe.gov.bd just publish the class 7 11th week assignment 2021 on their website. So, in this post we are going to give you all the information and details about class 7 11 week assignment.

So, we already learn that, 11th week all subject and class 6-9 assignment is already publish. So, a lot of candidates are searching for the assignment. So, we plan to make a post on class 7 assignment for eleventh week assignment. Just keeping reading the whole post until the last word. Then you’ll get your 11th week Class seven assignment answer also.

12th Week Class 7 All Subject Assignment Click here

All Week Class 7 Assignment Question Answer Click Here


11th Week Class 7 English Assignment Question 2021

Class 7 eleventh week assignment is now announced. They also publish the pdf file of the Class 7 11 week assignment. So, it is very important right now to publish the question paper with every instruction as you don’t miss anything. So, follow out all the instruction to get high mark on class 7 assignment for this week

Now come to the main topic. Lets discuss about the question 1st. Today;s question is from the Unit-4. Lesson name is Whose Child is that? So, the question is already clear to you. Now its time for continue the answer writing process for your assignment. In the next section we attach the Class 7 English assignment for 11 week.



Download 11 Week Class 7 English Assignment Question

11th Week Class 7 English Assignment Answer 2021

So, we already discuss about the question on the above section. So, you are eager to know the answer of the question right? Yes, we are going to publish the Class 7 11th week assignment answer 2021 now. According to the Text Book, this is a poem of Book. So, first read the poem.

Now you have two task to do. First of all,  write a summary with a suitable title except “Whose Child is This”. Another one is Explain whose contribution is the most to build up a child? Give your own reason. So, this is the actually Assignment for class 7 11 week. Now just write a small paragraph on it. Words may count upto 150.


Download 11 Week Class 7 English Assignment Answer

11th Week Class 7 ICT Assignment Question 2021

After complete the class 7 Englsih assignment now come to the Class 7 ICT assignment. On the 11th week there is also a assignment for ICT for class seven. So. here we discuss about the details of the Class 7 ICT assignment question for this week. First take a look to the question paper from the below image.

So, you check the class 7 ICT assignment question for 11 week, right? Now we can start the class 7 ICT assignment solving. This is the 1st assignment for this season. Also this assignment is from st chapter of the ICT Text Book of class 7. In this assignment you need to write a report on how ICT help people.



Download 11 Week Class 7 ICT Assignment Question

11th Week Class 7 ICT Assignment Answer 2021

So, you already check the class 7 ICT question from the above. You can also download the class 7 ICT question 2021 from the link above. now start the discussion about the assignment question of 11th week of class six. The class 7 ICT question is from 1st chapter of ICT book. Name of the chapter is Benefits of ICT on our daily life.

There is two different part of the question. One is ICT on the personal life and another one is ICT on the professional work life. And the final one is ICT on the social life. So, this is the actually simple question. Please write the answer of those question and make a report withing 150 word. Then you’ll get high mark on the Class 7 assignment 11th week.


Download 11 Week Class 7 ICT Assignment Answer

11th Week Class 7 Assignment Subject List

11th week Assignment publish for Class students. But according to the Class 7 assignment grid there is a table for which class has which subject on which week. So, you need this for submit your assignment answer. Because there is no need to submit all week answer at all time. So, you need to know subject list.

In the 11th week there is only two subject for class 7. Because there is no science, arts or commerce on class 7. So, You need to submit all the assignment under this subject list. Class 7 has English subject on 11th week assignment. Also there is another subject called ICT. Check the details from the Class 7 assignment subject list.

Download Class 7 All Week Assignment Syllabus 2021

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